Well, I haven't done too much crafting over the summer. Why is it that when I have unlimited free time, my craftiness goes on a vacation? It was probably sipping drinks with little umbrellas on a beach somewhere, ogling the half-naked cabana boys. Disgraceful.
Now that I'm back to work, though, I've been hit with the crafting bug and have signed up for a few swaps. Yay!
Until I get partners for those, though, here are a few things I made in the spring:
For the Geezer Swap, I made a car organizer with matching trash bin. This was my first time really working with binding tape and I'm really pleased with how it came out. I learned a lot and I got my corners all mitered, which makes me very happy. I think my partner liked it, too, which is always a good thing.
This was also my first time using hardware. Okay, D-rings, so nothing too difficult, but I was happy nonetheless. I really like the contrast of the fabrics- the floral fabric as little spots of pink, so it really goes well together.
For the trash bag, I melted contact paper onto the fabric. I don't know how it'll hold up in super hot cars, but if it could withstand the iron (through fabric - not directly), I think it'll be okay. And it should wipe out easily from icky foods. That's the one thing I never understood about car trash cans - they were made from fabric and yet difficult to clean.
The round bottom was a challenge to sew as it was my first time doing something like that, but it turned out pretty well. If anyone has any suggestions for sewing circles, I'd be happy to hear them, though.
Apparently my partner's sons were fighting over it (and it's pink, no less!) I take that as the ultimate compliment.
For the Crazy for Christmas Swap, I got to explore some craftiness when I made a wreath for my partner. I really like how it came out, as well as its versatility.
I took a foam wreath form and covered it in twill tape that I dyed using tea so it wasn't stark white. Then I cut out flowers and leaves from different color felt and used different color buttons and floral pins to stick them on. I also made (and hot-glued) different color ribbons, too.
By using the floral pins, she can change it with the seasons, which I think is fun. I've got another wreath form waiting to make another (though this time I'm using regular ribbon. We'll see how it goes!)
Those are the highlights. I was in another swap, but forgot to take pictures. Ah well. Live and learn. :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Papercrafts are a hoot!
So for the recent Pet Swap, my partner requested something papercrafted as the part of the package that was going to her. I freaked out a bit because I don't do that much papercrafting, and then began to peruse my wist and hers for inspiration. Low and behold (as usually happens), I was struck, and combined an applique she had on her wist and a papercraft to come up with this little owl.
He was made by using a craft knife to cut away at the pattern (I enlarged and printed off the one on her wist) and then cutting strips of paper to go behind the cut-outs. I think he turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself. :)
The multicolor paper is from a magazine. I tried for natural colors, but I know there's no owl on earth with bluish green wings and stomach. Ssshhh, let me live in my little world, will you? ;)
My partner says she likes him too, which is a relief. I'd be sad if the little guy wasn't used in his new home. I'm considering making one of him for myself, too, but it took a couple hours and I likely won't put that much effort into something just for me. (And why is that?)
My other foray into papercrafts was for the Secret Santa Swap this past Christmas. My partner said she loved the Island of Misfit Toys, and so I came up with this chunky house (a certain size paper with 3-D effects on it.)
I tried for the same cheesy claymation feel for the "mountains" in the background and made the ground a bit "snowy" with some silver ink from an ink pad.
Then there's the ragdoll (her head is a wooden button and her hair is embroidery floss), the pink elephant (whose trunk was 3-D), and the Charlie in the Box (whose head is again a wooden button and whose hat has real fur on it, and little beads for the bells around his neck). They're the three most memorable toys, in my opinion, and they were fun to make.
The back was much the same - most mountains with a little sign about misfit toys. (Sorry the mountains are hard to see.)
I've not done much else with papercrafts. It's not that I don't want to, but my visions rarely turn out well in reality. ;)
I'd like to get more into ATCs, but I don't think I have quite the creativity for that.
He was made by using a craft knife to cut away at the pattern (I enlarged and printed off the one on her wist) and then cutting strips of paper to go behind the cut-outs. I think he turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself. :)
The multicolor paper is from a magazine. I tried for natural colors, but I know there's no owl on earth with bluish green wings and stomach. Ssshhh, let me live in my little world, will you? ;)
My partner says she likes him too, which is a relief. I'd be sad if the little guy wasn't used in his new home. I'm considering making one of him for myself, too, but it took a couple hours and I likely won't put that much effort into something just for me. (And why is that?)
My other foray into papercrafts was for the Secret Santa Swap this past Christmas. My partner said she loved the Island of Misfit Toys, and so I came up with this chunky house (a certain size paper with 3-D effects on it.)

Then there's the ragdoll (her head is a wooden button and her hair is embroidery floss), the pink elephant (whose trunk was 3-D), and the Charlie in the Box (whose head is again a wooden button and whose hat has real fur on it, and little beads for the bells around his neck). They're the three most memorable toys, in my opinion, and they were fun to make.
The back was much the same - most mountains with a little sign about misfit toys. (Sorry the mountains are hard to see.)
I've not done much else with papercrafts. It's not that I don't want to, but my visions rarely turn out well in reality. ;)
I'd like to get more into ATCs, but I don't think I have quite the creativity for that.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
100 Facts About Me
If you're my swap partner, this list may help you get to know me a bit more. I wrote it with the intention of joining the 100 Facts Swap, but I didn't end up signing up.
100 facts (updated 1/19/12)
1. I'm 32 years old.
2. I have two rabbits (Gus and Chloe).
3. I'm a teacher (English and Social Studies).
4. I've only lived in Maryland and Massachusetts.
5. I love to eat crabs!
6. I'm allergic to cats and lobster.
7. I like penguins.
8. My kitchen is decorated in sun colors, but will soon (relatively) be redecorated in black/white with red accents.
9. My living room is brown and turquoise.
10. My dining room is also my craft room.
11. My bathroom is beachy/ocean colors.
12. I love peanut butter.
13. I don't like 70's paisley or neons.
14. I like good grammar.
15. Organization is vital!
16. I've been to four out of seven continents (N. America, Europe, Africa and Australia).
17. I've got a couple half-finished novels on my hard drive.
18. I'm single, but dating.
19. I like to sew.
20. I prefer to crochet, rather than knit. Doesn't take as long! And yet, I have more things on my needles currently than I have on my hooks.
21. I like to cook.
22. Once upon a time, I sold Pampered Chef so I've got every kitchen tool known to man (and some that are only known to women!)
23. I try to eat healthy, but I'm not always successful.
24.I've lost close to 50 pounds over the past couple years. Haven't reached 50, though. *sigh* I've lost over 50 pounds over the past few years!
25. I love jewel tones and fun patterns.
26. My mother and grandmother hate birds, so I've avoided them all my life out of sheer superstition (apparently, they're bad luck?) Anyhoodle, I'm really getting into birds now. (Apparently penguins are not considered birds by either of them as I have quite the collection that they've both contributed to. Birds, according to Gram, need to fly. And yet ostriches are birds, she says. Ah, logic.)
27. I like gardening on my deck - and by deck, I mean 5.5'x6.5' porch with limited direct sunlight. You'd be surprised how well herbs and tomatoes will grow with only a few hours direct sunlight a day!
28. I live in a condo.
29. I have a rather longish commute each day (about 45 minutes to 1 hour) that I really don't mind - it lets me wake up!
30. I love to read.
31. Autumn is my favorite season of the year.
32. I love shows like NCIS, Criminal Minds and the First 48.
33. My favorite book of all time is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
34. Current favorite books include the Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Mystery Series by Charlaine Harris (what True Blood is based upon) and the Mercedes Thompson series by Patricia Briggs.
35. I have recently purchased an embroidery sewing machine, who I have named Freya, since she is Swedish (Husqvarna/Viking).
36. I'm cheap and dislike turning on my heat in the winter too warm, so I tend to layer.
37. I am getting into paper crafts/card making.
38. I'd like to learn how to make resin pendants/jewelry.
39. I'm a beginner jewelry maker.
40. I like to embroider, though I've never done a lot of it.
41. I'm an only child.
42. I collect nativities.
43. I like the J.D. Robb 'In Death' series.
44. I like polka dots and stripes.
45. I love hot baths (even in the summer!)
46. I have recently begun to like vegetables I avoided upon pain of death in my childhood. Namely zucchini and summer squash. I have not yet found a fondness for peas (unless they're sugar snap) or brussel sprouts.
47. My father had Multiple Sclerosis, so that is one of my favorite charities (he passed away Thanksgiving 2007).
48. My bunny Chloe is special needs. She has a parasite in her brain that makes her head tilty and she'll be on medicine for the rest of her life. (She's the happiest bunny I know, though!) She was also a foster.
49. My other rabbit, Gus, does not like Chloe. I fostered Chloe in an attempt to bond the two. Now I have two giant cages in my dining room (each is 28" wide x 28" tall x 42" long).
50. I love the elephant from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindoor.
51. I love the tree of life imagery on pretty much anything.
52. I have a blue Honda CR-V that I love!
53. I hope to buy a house sometime in the nearish future (and by nearish, I mean sometime within the next 5-10 years ... whenever I can get someone to buy my condo and afford it!) so I can have a garden and a dedicated craft room.
54. I have an unhealthy passion for Cheezits and goldfish, though I don't eat them often.
55. I'm a Leo!
56. I love watching the night sky in the summer.
57. I am NOT an outdoors person.
58. And yet, I love trees!
59. I have pictures of doors and windows all around my house.
60. I think my blue eyes are my best feature.
61. I've recently been gifted (in a swap) with a drop spindle and some wool roving, so I am slowly learning how to spin.
62. I'm BIG on recycling and reusing/repurposing.
63. I'd love to learn how to tat.
64. I really enjoy needle felting.
65. Alton Brown and Guy Fieri are two of my favorite Food Network personalities. (Gotta love Good Eats and Diners, Driveins and Dives!)
66. My dream vacation is to go to Italy.
67. I spent ten days in Spain when I chaperoned the school trip - my favorite city was Toledo (think lots of stone buildings and medieval architecture!)
68. I love going to the Renaissance Festival.
69. I'm not allergic to wools.
70. The only time I iron is when I'm sewing something. Otherwise ... it's either the dryer or wrinkle city.
71. I love snow days!
72. My favorite types of food are Thai, Italian, Indian and Chinese.
73. I'm a night owl.
74. I love Post Secret.
75. Cuteoverload.com can cheer me up any day.
76. My favorite poem ever is Stream of Life by Rabindranath Tagore.
77. I love the Harry Potter series.
78. My least favorite part of sewing is the cutting out of fabric.
79. My bedroom is grey, white and green. (Well, mostly grey and white, at the moment. I need more green.)
80. My favorite HP characters are the twins.
81. I like road trips!
82. I dislike weekend trips because they're not restful.
83. A weekend when I have nothing to do is the best weekend of all, in my opinion.
84. I'm Catholic.
85. A show on cryptozoology, ghosts or UFOs can stop me in my tracks to watch.
86. I feel guilty if I sleep in past ten in the morning. Up by nine makes me happy (and productive!) Well, that's on the weekends, of course. Up a lot earlier when I have to work.
87. My hoopla wall has two hoops. One is an embroidery that says 'hello' and another is by the fabulous TroubleT on Craftster with stick figures. One figure has taken the other's "back" stick and says "I've got your back." That is totally my sense of humor.
88. I love puns.
89. I'd like to get married one day, but I'm losing hope of finding the right guy. (I'm beginning to think I'm a bit set in my ways - ha!)
90. My least favorite household task is vacuuming, followed closely by dusting (I've got too many things on my shelves!)
91. My favorite scents are sandalwood and lavender.
92. I really enjoy watching HGTV, Planet Green, Discovery and Food Network.
93. My feet have a tendency to feel like ice. So do my hands.
94. I need more artwork on my walls ... then again, I've lived here for seven years and have yet to paint. I have put up trial squares, though, in hope that it would force me to paint. It hasn't yet.
95. I recently got a Keurig and <3 the Pumpkin Spice k-cups. With a bit of Pumpkin Pie creamer, it's exactly like a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. I also <3 the Earl Grey tea k-cup.
96. I prefer Coke to Pepsi (which is vile.)
97. I'd like to visit Alaska, Hawaii, Montana and Wyoming.
98. I prefer silver to gold.
99. I eat out more often than I should.
100. I really really love swapping and crafting. Craftster IS cheaper than therapy!
100 facts (updated 1/19/12)
1. I'm 32 years old.
2. I have two rabbits (Gus and Chloe).
3. I'm a teacher (English and Social Studies).
4. I've only lived in Maryland and Massachusetts.
5. I love to eat crabs!
6. I'm allergic to cats and lobster.
7. I like penguins.
8. My kitchen is decorated in sun colors, but will soon (relatively) be redecorated in black/white with red accents.
9. My living room is brown and turquoise.
10. My dining room is also my craft room.
11. My bathroom is beachy/ocean colors.
12. I love peanut butter.
13. I don't like 70's paisley or neons.
14. I like good grammar.
15. Organization is vital!
16. I've been to four out of seven continents (N. America, Europe, Africa and Australia).
17. I've got a couple half-finished novels on my hard drive.
18. I'm single, but dating.
19. I like to sew.
20. I prefer to crochet, rather than knit. Doesn't take as long! And yet, I have more things on my needles currently than I have on my hooks.
21. I like to cook.
22. Once upon a time, I sold Pampered Chef so I've got every kitchen tool known to man (and some that are only known to women!)
23. I try to eat healthy, but I'm not always successful.
25. I love jewel tones and fun patterns.
26. My mother and grandmother hate birds, so I've avoided them all my life out of sheer superstition (apparently, they're bad luck?) Anyhoodle, I'm really getting into birds now. (Apparently penguins are not considered birds by either of them as I have quite the collection that they've both contributed to. Birds, according to Gram, need to fly. And yet ostriches are birds, she says. Ah, logic.)
27. I like gardening on my deck - and by deck, I mean 5.5'x6.5' porch with limited direct sunlight. You'd be surprised how well herbs and tomatoes will grow with only a few hours direct sunlight a day!
28. I live in a condo.
29. I have a rather longish commute each day (about 45 minutes to 1 hour) that I really don't mind - it lets me wake up!
30. I love to read.
31. Autumn is my favorite season of the year.
32. I love shows like NCIS, Criminal Minds and the First 48.
33. My favorite book of all time is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
34. Current favorite books include the Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Mystery Series by Charlaine Harris (what True Blood is based upon) and the Mercedes Thompson series by Patricia Briggs.
35. I have recently purchased an embroidery sewing machine, who I have named Freya, since she is Swedish (Husqvarna/Viking).
36. I'm cheap and dislike turning on my heat in the winter too warm, so I tend to layer.
37. I am getting into paper crafts/card making.
38. I'd like to learn how to make resin pendants/jewelry.
39. I'm a beginner jewelry maker.
40. I like to embroider, though I've never done a lot of it.
41. I'm an only child.
42. I collect nativities.
43. I like the J.D. Robb 'In Death' series.
44. I like polka dots and stripes.
45. I love hot baths (even in the summer!)
46. I have recently begun to like vegetables I avoided upon pain of death in my childhood. Namely zucchini and summer squash. I have not yet found a fondness for peas (unless they're sugar snap) or brussel sprouts.
47. My father had Multiple Sclerosis, so that is one of my favorite charities (he passed away Thanksgiving 2007).
48. My bunny Chloe is special needs. She has a parasite in her brain that makes her head tilty and she'll be on medicine for the rest of her life. (She's the happiest bunny I know, though!) She was also a foster.
49. My other rabbit, Gus, does not like Chloe. I fostered Chloe in an attempt to bond the two. Now I have two giant cages in my dining room (each is 28" wide x 28" tall x 42" long).
50. I love the elephant from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindoor.
51. I love the tree of life imagery on pretty much anything.
52. I have a blue Honda CR-V that I love!
53. I hope to buy a house sometime in the nearish future (and by nearish, I mean sometime within the next 5-10 years ... whenever I can get someone to buy my condo and afford it!) so I can have a garden and a dedicated craft room.
54. I have an unhealthy passion for Cheezits and goldfish, though I don't eat them often.
55. I'm a Leo!
56. I love watching the night sky in the summer.
57. I am NOT an outdoors person.
58. And yet, I love trees!
59. I have pictures of doors and windows all around my house.
60. I think my blue eyes are my best feature.
61. I've recently been gifted (in a swap) with a drop spindle and some wool roving, so I am slowly learning how to spin.
62. I'm BIG on recycling and reusing/repurposing.
63. I'd love to learn how to tat.
64. I really enjoy needle felting.
65. Alton Brown and Guy Fieri are two of my favorite Food Network personalities. (Gotta love Good Eats and Diners, Driveins and Dives!)
66. My dream vacation is to go to Italy.
67. I spent ten days in Spain when I chaperoned the school trip - my favorite city was Toledo (think lots of stone buildings and medieval architecture!)
68. I love going to the Renaissance Festival.
69. I'm not allergic to wools.
70. The only time I iron is when I'm sewing something. Otherwise ... it's either the dryer or wrinkle city.
71. I love snow days!
72. My favorite types of food are Thai, Italian, Indian and Chinese.
73. I'm a night owl.
74. I love Post Secret.
75. Cuteoverload.com can cheer me up any day.
76. My favorite poem ever is Stream of Life by Rabindranath Tagore.
77. I love the Harry Potter series.
78. My least favorite part of sewing is the cutting out of fabric.
79. My bedroom is grey, white and green. (Well, mostly grey and white, at the moment. I need more green.)
80. My favorite HP characters are the twins.
81. I like road trips!
82. I dislike weekend trips because they're not restful.
83. A weekend when I have nothing to do is the best weekend of all, in my opinion.
84. I'm Catholic.
85. A show on cryptozoology, ghosts or UFOs can stop me in my tracks to watch.
86. I feel guilty if I sleep in past ten in the morning. Up by nine makes me happy (and productive!) Well, that's on the weekends, of course. Up a lot earlier when I have to work.
87. My hoopla wall has two hoops. One is an embroidery that says 'hello' and another is by the fabulous TroubleT on Craftster with stick figures. One figure has taken the other's "back" stick and says "I've got your back." That is totally my sense of humor.
88. I love puns.
89. I'd like to get married one day, but I'm losing hope of finding the right guy. (I'm beginning to think I'm a bit set in my ways - ha!)
90. My least favorite household task is vacuuming, followed closely by dusting (I've got too many things on my shelves!)
91. My favorite scents are sandalwood and lavender.
92. I really enjoy watching HGTV, Planet Green, Discovery and Food Network.
93. My feet have a tendency to feel like ice. So do my hands.
94. I need more artwork on my walls ... then again, I've lived here for seven years and have yet to paint. I have put up trial squares, though, in hope that it would force me to paint. It hasn't yet.
95. I recently got a Keurig and <3 the Pumpkin Spice k-cups. With a bit of Pumpkin Pie creamer, it's exactly like a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. I also <3 the Earl Grey tea k-cup.
96. I prefer Coke to Pepsi (which is vile.)
97. I'd like to visit Alaska, Hawaii, Montana and Wyoming.
98. I prefer silver to gold.
99. I eat out more often than I should.
100. I really really love swapping and crafting. Craftster IS cheaper than therapy!
Welcome to Crafty Rabbits!
This will be my craft blog, as opposed to my gardening and budgeting blog, Carrot Wishes and Cilantro Dreams.
Warning to those who may be paired with me in swaps - I may put up pictures or discussion on what I'm making so don't look! :) I will do my best to warn you, though. It' s no fun to be spoiled.
Warning to those who may be paired with me in swaps - I may put up pictures or discussion on what I'm making so don't look! :) I will do my best to warn you, though. It' s no fun to be spoiled.
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